Wednesday 23 March 2011

Up The Garden Path..............

Hi!!! Been a week or so since last post and muchos has been done!!!   My herbs have a new home....... along with some salad leaves they now live in a cast iron pot that Lee got for me from a farmers auction.........

Growing Lollo Rosso, Yellow leaves and rocket salad with my herbs................

This is living outside at the moment to get the full light on it but will live on my kitchen windowsill eventually

The veggie patch is now ready for planting...... we have sprinkled some bonemeal on it this morning and are letting that rest until the weekend when we'll start planting onions, carrots and spuds........

I now have a path down the middle of the veggie patch (thanks to Lee!!!) this will help to section off the plots and also easy access with less mud when digging them up!!!!

The chooks came out to help but decided it was too warm and this is how they have bath and cool down!!! (In case you didnt know like me and stared at them for a few minutes before Lee told me what was going on!!)

However.... the bath soon turned into some kind of Chook Hot Tub party...... I averted my eyes and left them too it at this point!! (Thank the lord we dont have a cockerl!!)

This is the part of the garden that is known as the dumping ground!!!!! However, my grand (read: unreal!!) plan is for this part to be a bit of a quiet spot!!  I aim to plant fruit trees and have wood chippings on the ground and a wooden bench/swing for chilling out.  Possibly a log Chimnera at some point but at the minute its still the dumping ground!!........... I keep looking at it and imagining me lounging around though!!!

In other news, I was digging merrily away at my spud patch on Monday and trapped a nerve in my back!!!  Currently hobbling around in immense pain, and this is my new best friend.............

So digging has ceased until Lee is off at the weekend!! BUT to cheer me up yesterday he bought me a plastic temporary greenhouse :D  Which ill take pics of later because it takes me 20 mins to hobble up the garden and I need to feed the chooks later anyway!! So more to come later!!

Ta-ta for now :)


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